Speak out before Police Stupidity costs more lives
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Oct 4, 4:02am
Mr TCrumm was my neighbour when he lived in Masterton and is definitly an old school copper, I would believe him.
Oct 4, 4:32am
The Dr probably caused the death, as a hospital staff member I know that I have to have my ID card available 24/7 when I am on call every second week, why because it also opens the electronic doors, he probably pissed around waiting for someone to open doors to let him in.
Oct 4, 5:17am
No Jazz I am not missing the key point. The doctor should have had one of those flashing lights mentioned on here to identify his vehicle as belonging to an emergency worker.
Oct 4, 5:37am
Green flashing light doesn't allow speeding, other traffic has to make way for vehicle.
I can't remember what state that section of the road was like in 2008 but any cop stopping a doctor for 5 minutes would probably be passed by a bunch of fart can ricers pleased to see him busy.
Oct 4, 5:54am
So did the Doctor have a stop watch running!Oh and lets not forget the cop had to verify the identity of the Doctor because the Doctor had no ID.
Your arguement is flawed.
Oct 4, 5:56am
Strangly enough that occurs all the time for the thousands of Volunteer Firefighters and the response to you phone calls to the ambulance service.Pitchey knows that all to well.
Oct 4, 6:06am
Actually I give up on this thread with thejazzpianoma ignoring the obvious and get this feeling that he is related to the Doctor in some way.
While your trying to blame the Police for this situation it would be unbeliable of you to accept how often delays occur to our emergency services all in the name of procedure.How often the public cause these delays and how people like you make the delays happen.
Oct 4, 9:23am
takes a fair lack of knowledge to post that
Oct 4, 9:33am
Quite right. Someone has completely fallen for the propaganda! The primary reason for the improvement in crash statistics is because we are seeing more and more cars on the road with better safety equipment and design.
The cars from the "safety revolution" era (around 2000) are really only coming properly on stream now due to the average age of our national fleet.
We will continue to see improvements from this phenomenon for quite some time yet. Volvo are confident their cars will be so safe in a few years there will be zero deaths or serious injury's from any of their customers. Their confidence is so high they have even set a date for it to happen.
Oct 4, 10:12am
Funny that people still die in brand new cars. Volvo should will learn the titanic catch phrase before making their claims. Lowering the road toll is not primarily focused on just one area. Nor does one area get all the credit. It is a proven fact that the slower you go the less damage to the body when you stop suddenly. You should try it jump off a 4 storey building onto an 3 foot air bag (about the same size as volvo's) you should reach 100km before you stop, then see how your body reacts. The external body may stop but the internals don't, the heart is very heavy and tends to tear the arteries (Usually fatal). Lowering the road toll covers a number of area's to name a few Enforcement, road design, vehicles, medical advancements, education etc. Same as health care advancements are happening all the time but at the end of the day you can only save a patient if you are there. I hear our health care system is saving millions is that because they are sending doctors home on call. Life is cheap to our health system, treatment is not.
Oct 4, 10:20am
Volvo are not known for making claims they can't live up to. They have already pretty much eliminated slow speed accidents (as have a couple of other brands) with their automatic crash avoidance radar system. One or two models down the track I can see how that could work properly at any speed. You would still have all the other safety gear in conjunction with it too.
I agree road safety is the sum of many factors. However the improvements in vehicle safety have taken a big leap forward ahead of the other factors in the time scale we are currently experiencing.
The old "faster you go" propaganda while true in terms of physics is absurd in the context of the other factors. Why has speed suddenly become a major factor when we have been doing that same speed for decades in cars that are no where near as safe on poorer quality roads!
The only possible change for the worse in that time is the volume of traffic on the road, but thats something that should be solved with better roads not slowing traffic.
The trouble with building better roads is it dosn't self fund with 100 Million dollars in annual revenue from infringement notices.
Oct 4, 10:26am
You didn't pay much attention when the teacher taught physics, did you!
Oct 4, 10:28am
So you like every other kiwi are happy to pay $100,000 for your next car. Volvo has built their reputation on safety but with safety comes price. Safety in vehicle only works until someone decides to drive outside the norm.
Oct 4, 10:31am
Why is speed an issue with you.something tells me you and Mr plod met alot. Hence the venom towards them
Oct 4, 10:32am
You don't have a clue what I am talking about do you!
Oct 4, 10:35am
It will be cheap soon enough. You can buy a top of the line Volvo thats only one model off the current one for about $5000.
Oct 4, 10:38am
$5000.Then the police will be definitely looking at you in that stolen volvo then lol and not just for speed.
Oct 4, 10:39am
Actually I very rarely speed. The reason I want change is because I have seen the inner workings and what a complete shambles the New Zealand Police are. This is not a one off thing either its the sum total of many occasions.
Thats the trouble, people like you blindly defend the Police because you "think" you know what they are like which is really influenced by their PR Propaganda.
Those of us that have seen lives and property lost and ruined unnecessarily through complete and utter incompetence time after time have a different attitude.
Oct 4, 10:42am
Thats right, your a Holden driver and don't know how much car you can legitimately by for very little money.
I could have had onefor $1000 the other day, it needed a $650 part and an hours labour spent on it though.
Oct 4, 10:43am
Name five people that have lost their lives because of police incompetence, and i will give you post after post about how many lives have been ruined by criminals, acc, the health care system, Tax department, you name it there are too many to mention. Money where your mouth is mate
Oct 4, 10:45am
Assumptions: Make a an ass out you. I actually drive a ford.
Oct 4, 11:14am
Implying the criminals aren't running rampant because of lax police and PC bullshit, implying acc isn't another government department that gets its fair share from motorists. I like Jazz, don't agree with everything he says but he is a damnsite more competant than those that get emotionally involved with an issue then stick their head up their ass to reasoning. I try to be a bit the same in that rather than getting worked up over something that has emotionally scarred me at some point like say drunk driving and applying a realistic view on a case by case basis.
In this case there were wrongs on both sides, had the doctor been easier to identify they might of been on their way however the cop drilling things on the spot rather than just throwing him in the backseat and taking him to the hospital and getting him to blow a result on the way and sort it later or just leading the way rather than messing around strikes me as silly. I mean someone wraps their car round a powerpole you don't turn up to issue the ticket first then save them later, likewise some people REALLY wind me up in an emergency by getting in the way or screaming like headless chickens but I don't go out of my way to spite them or speal off on a lecture till after the fact. Maybe my priorities are just messed up and I should bow down and bend over to the speed kills crap, I mean a ticket is a delayed punishment anyway so why waste time at the roadside. Outside of the who's right and wrong crap there was no absolute necessity to do it there and then besides perhaps standard policy, nothing about the situation was standard and it should be judged perhaps a bit different to routine stops. Blindly following procedure is what causes gargantuan f*#$ ups eventually.
Oct 4, 4:32pm
Does any of us here know!
Oct 4, 4:46pm
Suggestion - speak to any lawyer or paralegal who basically specialise in motoring cases at court and ask them about the excuses their "clients" use to try and defend a motoring offence or infringement.You will not believe the bovine excrement that is put up as "the truth.and why I should get off".Then consider this.the percentage of offences and infringements that go to not guilty hearings is a fraction of the offences and infringements issued by Police.And the Police officers hear excuses for ALL the ones they deal with - all of these and many more.So a claim of being of a certain profession and responding to an emergency while being unable to offer anything but abusive invective it would hardly be surprising that the officer will check you out.
Oct 4, 4:48pm
quote - ".don't agree with everything he says but he is a damnsite more competant than those that get emotionally involved with an issue then stick their head up their ass to reasoning. ".Well there you go!A perfect description of the faulty reasoning that started all of this.
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