Yes but what I was told was incorrect. I was not given an opportunity last time so why would I be given one this time!
The lady on the phone didn't even know the law regarding this. She was busy trying to tell me it was illegal to drive a car with no WOF on the road to a testing station which is quite untrue.
Nov 8, 4:27pm
Having had a few opportunities to see how the Police operate behind the scenes I can't not speak out.
Having seen (first hand) someone die, hundreds of thousands of dollars lost and others put in harms way all because of Police stupidity and poor organisation/prioritization. You bet I am keen to expose whats going on and get things sorted out.
I don't understand those who are just so happy to brush this under the carpet when with a bit of a sort out things could be better for everyone. Sadly though, while those who havn't yet suffered from our disgrace of a Police force are happy to defend them without knowing whats really going on, nothing will change.
Obviously this thread is just a minor issue in the scheme of things but I think you were asking about some of my posts regarding the Police in general.
If people would just wake up and demand change we could all have a positive outcome which I am all for. I would love to somehow be more upbeat about this but there is not much to be positive about.
Nov 8, 4:34pm
Youbet I have an axe to grind, but my intention is to use these boards to effect positive change. Unfortunately though people need to hear about the negative things going on before they can grasp that change is needed.
With regard to the surveys, those are most likely affected by the massive amounts of propaganda put in our media at our cost by the Police PR machine. The majority of people's only experience with the NZ Police is through watching carefully produced programs like Police 10/7, highway Patrol etc which don't reflect reality at all.
Not to mention the attractive recruitment advertisements, endless road safety commercials etc etc.
Nov 8, 4:36pm
It's not so much wanting to brush things under the carpet, it's wanting people to realise that there own limited exposure does not constitute a wide spread and systemic failing of the police or other authorities such as has been portrayed in this thread by some. People cop one bad ticket or hear about somebodies mate who got a pop on the chin in a scuffle in the pub and they start crying that the majority are corrupt and out to squash us. I simply say get a little perspective. The detractors will always be the vocal minority, it's just how humans are.
Nov 8, 4:39pm
When I got a ticket for no WOF I got told if I presented the WOF within 24 hours the ticket would be cancelled.
Nov 8, 4:42pm
You are correct about the limited exposure and most only have one or so contact with Police every few years and chances are that will be positive.
However through no fault of my own I have had to deal with them on over a dozen occasions over the last few years (some of them fairly serious) and the majority of them have been massive failures on the Police's part.
You have no idea how frustrating it is to witness Police ignoring the potential kidnapping of a child in favor of dropping a Santa Claus off so they can get some good PR. Or locate a wanted fraudster on multiple occasions only to have them not turn up to collect him every time.They were not even capable of crossing the street to pick up stolen goods from a shop directly opposite a police station when they had a week to do it. I have so many more examples you wouldn't believe.
Its not just me either, we have seen examples on here (one quite recently) where someone's stolen car has been located and the Police do nothing about it.
Why can't we just acknowledge there is a problem, get it fixed, save some lives and property in the process and move on!
Nov 8, 4:44pm
The trouble is though that is at the discretion of the Officer and many will not do that. We should not have to hope for "discretion" when we are not breaking the law.
Nov 8, 9:36pm
Yeap I do. You advocate 100s of hours of police man power not to mention endless phone calls to establish that the one motorist caught this year for no WOF has actually had there vehicle booked in for a WOF. Lets propose a different take: Like all the rest of the population why not book your vehicle in before the WOF expires: Your piss poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on the police's part. [Next time quote my whole post not just the bit you want to argue]
Nov 8, 9:40pm
Man you bleat on yet don't even know what you talk about. Its called compliance and it is only given if your WOF is less that 28days Expired.Gees only 28days.discretion would be not to give you a ticket at all for the offence. Guess you get a lot of tickets, just for failing an attitude test. I only know you from here an don't like you.
Nov 8, 9:46pm
vtnz don't take bookings as a rule
Nov 8, 9:51pm
Then take it before it expires: Would people let there rates be paid late if there was no penalty. What is so hard about that.
Nov 8, 9:53pm
Some people are too quick to blame others for there own ability to act. ACCOUNTABILITY people
Nov 8, 9:56pm
i was just sayin'. i do very little mileage in my own cars and it's not worth wofing them every 6 mnths - sometimes i let it lapse - but i still drive to the testing station to get a wof when i need to.
Nov 8, 10:03pm
Fair enough. How many times you been ticketed on your way to the WOF station
Nov 8, 10:07pm
never yet. in the past i drove my rotary with almost no exhaust to get fixed and no prob, and with no rear window and no prob, mind you this is locally.
Nov 8, 10:10pm
The odds are pretty good aye. Funny how when some people get caught all they can is bleat.and blame others never themselves
Nov 8, 10:28pm
Hell no. I'm far too honest to be involved in that game of illusion.
Nov 8, 10:32pm
Ha ha .Mmmmm OK
Nov 8, 10:32pm
The ignorance of the majority is well documented.
Nov 8, 10:33pm
They do .they insist on it where I live, it's a rare thing to just roll up and expect a WOF check to be done then and there. Cities could be another matter.
Nov 8, 10:33pm
That argument might hold water if it was a daily driver.
Nov 8, 10:39pm
Could always be sent a reminder from your local garage.(Or is that just too damn simple)
Nov 8, 10:44pm
Not the point at all - try reading it again and thinking about it.
It's typical of a cop to have such as narrow comprehension of possible scenarios.
Nov 8, 10:46pm
No typical of mainstream society who actually take accountability for there obligations and responsibilities. Think you should read again. OP cannot get a wof without registering their vehicle. I am assuming that the OP has access to internet [could be just my cop intuition] so can do this on internet. So cannot actually use the defence of obtaining a WOF while unregistered but hey what do I know
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