As scotty said they are all about ticking the boxes in performance reviews, PR nonsense and raking in the cash. It sounds far fetched but that's about it.
If their key focus was saving lives and property things would be very different.
Their big problem at the moment is maintaining the 100 Million dollar a year revenue stream in the face of tougher economic times. Thats why they are doubling the take of tickets given out. Its all about quick easy tickets that keep the cash rolling in.
Jan 1, 10:21pm
Whats that got to do with the price of fish!
Jan 1, 10:24pm
I disagree. So does most of New Zealand according to the latest surveys - trust in police is at an all time high and rated the most reputable government department.
Jan 1, 10:25pm
I wouldn't trust any of their propaganda at all. These people that "trust" the Police are the majority who's only direct experience with the Police are through the PR Programs like Police 10/7 and watching their expensive T.V commercials.
Those that have had a car stolen or needed assistance and not got it are more bitter than ever.
Jan 1, 10:26pm
The police don't decide what is and isn't a crime, if Scotty has a problem with the law or fines he should direct his criticism at the government, not the people who are sworn to uphold the law.
Jan 1, 10:27pm
Right, so everyone's wrong but you.
Jan 1, 10:28pm
i bloody don't. diddn't help me when my car got vandalised when i had the guy on CCTV who did it with his face clearly identified but they are happy to sit on motorways and passing lanes with their radar guns pinging people for 4kmh over the speed limit its time as a country we stood up to their bullshit and demand some proper policing, also if they don't like the look of you or your car they lie to get a conviction, even when you have done nothing wrong thats why i have a drive cam running at all times, that also does GPS speed location and mapped logs, its an all seeing eye at all times because i simply don't trust the traffic unit as far as i can kick them.
Jan 1, 10:29pm
Thats pretty childish, if you want a debate then fine, but if you are going to carry on like a 2 year old then I won't be bothered.
Jan 1, 10:30pm
I'm not saying they're perfect, I'm saying that as someone who thinks that the police perform poorly, you are in the minority.
Jan 1, 10:30pm
he probably drives a cr-v, by the way happy new year Jazz hope all is well with you.
Jan 1, 10:32pm
somehow i don't think so.
Jan 1, 10:32pm
No, the Police themselves should be standing up to the Government and saying this is not on as well, its up to them to say if they are not receiving the tools/funding to do a sensible job of it.
Jan 1, 10:32pm
Cheers Scotty, and likewise!
Jan 1, 10:33pm
What matters is the views of those that have actually required Police assistance of late.
Jan 1, 10:36pm
Ok. I might have been a bit blunt. I have had a few interactions with the police, and as I would expect they have been good. It is frustrating to see them continually criticised by people who have an axe to grind. Police are in an occupation that inevitable puts them into confrontational situations, sometimes they get it wrong but most of the time they do a great job.
Jan 1, 10:38pm
"This includes factors like feeling they were treated fairly, which remains high at 89 percent. Ratings of police competence have also remained high at 91 percent." - this would imply that they have had contact with police recently.
Apart from acting as individuals, the police are constitutionally bound, as are the courts, to act on government direction.
Jan 1, 10:40pm
I think it varies from area to area. I have had some great experiences as well. However I have had a LOT of terrible ones. None through any fault of my own, I just have been in a position to see their interactions etc on a fairly regular basis through work etc.
Some of what I have seen is absolutely appalling. like the time they chose to prioritize picking up a Santa Clause for a PR event over preventing a kidnapping. Thats just one of many completely unacceptable things I have encountered.
Jan 1, 10:41pm
Thats interestingbecause of the dozen or so Police interactions I have had over the years very few were positive. Most were absolutely appalling.
I wonder if these stats come from people who have just been stopped at a checkpoint etc. most of those interactions are good.
Jan 1, 10:42pm
Did you follow it up with a complaint directly to the police or to the IPCA!
Jan 1, 10:43pm
I did try on a couple of occasions, interestingly the Police Complaints Authority will not investigate any road policing related matter. That should tell you something.
Jan 1, 10:44pm
+10000 they are a law in them selves interdependent my backside!
Jan 1, 10:44pm
How about directly to the police - going into a station to talk to the shift supervisor!
Jan 1, 10:45pm
The problems I have seen generally fall into the following categories.
* Poor prioritization * Poor attitude * Terrible organisation on the part of individuals and the police systems * Complete lack of common sense * Poor understanding of the law
Jan 1, 10:45pm
+1000 again
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