Dealers and the 'Closing LInes' they cough up

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richardmayes, May 9, 1:05am
I've learned it's fairly easy to tell if a car salesman is lying: just look to see if his lips are moving.

kazbanz, May 9, 1:10am
how in the name of all thats holey would someone be expected to know that little gem!
I can honestly say I have NEVER been asked that in the last 10 years and truethfully wouldnt be able to tell you what it is for any of the cars I have in stock

craig04, May 9, 1:11am
Agreed. No point trying to close the sale when you haven't done the appropriate ground work.

craig04, May 9, 1:13am
Makes me wonder where he tried to "park the car"

kazbanz, May 9, 1:24am
Hey RC think about this for a second.
RE agents dont own the houses they have in stock
RE agents simply get paid to show you a house and grid you up anjd the seller down so they get a commission.
They pay rent for an office and an office lady and a phone and some fuel
Once the sale is done thats the end of it -they take their money and run
Car dealer. Has to buy their stock and usually (for used dealers)its 6 weeks between paying for the strock and even being able to sell it.
A 50 car yard usually has around half a million to 3/4 of a million tied up in stock.
When the sale is done a car dealer is still responsible for machanical issues with that car for up to 2 years.
Rent or a morgage on a car yard is around $5000-$10000 a month
power/phone etc are about on parr with a re agent.
The government take 15% of the sale price
The effort concerned is totally different and the responsibility is a lot greater.
In truth after all costs a dealer NEEDS to makeon average $1000 a car net profit or they will close down

kazbanz, May 9, 1:25am
I aply that EXACTlogic to customers --I'm rarely wrong

mlh19658, May 9, 1:29am
Hey, so good you put a deposit down. We've had sooo many people wanting this car.

kenw1, May 9, 1:32am
Looked at a car, that had been on a special all weekend, at about 18k, went in on the Monday and it was up at 20k, so I was interested but at around the special price no more, salesman said no that was the special its passed so bad luck, my reply was well it didnt b.y well sell at that so tough.Anyway he asked me to leave the yard, which I did with great pleasure.

Another joker, asked me as I was writing the cheque out for a brand new ute, if I was the right person for this vehicle. So I said no and tore the cheque up.

trogedon, May 9, 1:36am
Real Estate agent (close to cd). This guy took me to look at 3 properties (I was buying a unit for a rental). Driving back to the office he said ???So which property are you going to buy TODAY???. I said I??

trogedon, May 9, 1:37am
What a pair of idiots.

kazbanz, May 9, 1:58am
If they are saying it AFTERyou put a deppy down--likely it aint a line

kazbanz, May 9, 1:59am
Pair of eejuts -ahh well they both lost a sale -best way to teach em a lesson.
Dunno what the second guy was thinking

grangies, May 9, 2:00am
Google says : 0.33

Why could you not have Googled. Instead of being all weird and nerdy!

How the hell can you expect a dealer to know the drag co-efficiency of all the cars on their yard!

Crickey. If you're worried about drag co-efficiency look into it first.

gammelvind, May 9, 3:26am
OP the dealer was trying to figure out, in his own clumsy way, are you a possible buyer or just tyre kicking. I did have a sales trainer suggest that this is a legit question, but he was a dumbass, though the point he was making was right, what he failed to recognise was those tyre kickers handled correctly can become customers one day.

elect70, May 9, 11:13pm
Remember the film Used Cars with Danny Devito, funny aslove to see it again .

woody1946, May 9, 11:39pm
Ha Hathats what I thought when I read it----seems to be a bit picky to be asking questions like that, almost as bad as wanting to know how much wind resistance the side mirrors create

amberjandal, May 11, 4:06am
Really .

thewomble1, May 11, 8:45am
Would you like to test drive and they drove and when we got back asked what we thought about the car.

whqqsh, May 11, 2:10pm
spose you had to be there. at Band Camp

whqqsh, May 11, 2:15pm
I had a guy try the pressure sales thing, told him Id have to get the boss (missus) to have a look. Next day went back with her, told her if you dont like it just say No! & walk back to the car, if you like it say I dont like it but start walking around it picking the shit out of it. You could see the guy deflating as he could see his margin decreasing with every comment she made lol

r15, May 11, 3:11pm
these guys.i dont know how they manage to sell fact any salesman that even comes with you.they just make you feel uncomfortable

edangus, May 11, 4:14pm
Most car salespersons tend to still work to the old American way of selling (much like real estate - except they are worse). This is the old combat a few questions and you are owed a sale.

That formula no longer works as it once did. Clients are more informed and make smarter decisions. Most industries need to catch up with this fact.

r15, May 11, 4:26pm
and most, with a few excellent exceptions just sit there spouting bullshit and incorrect figures the whole time anyway

rover79, May 11, 5:09pm
What gets to me is looking at a car, deciding you would like to buy and asking how much for a trade in, getting told a figure and you think you should be able to do a bit better as a trade in. So you go away and think about it, maybe check out another yard and find out their offer as a trade in, sleep on things over night, go back to the first guy and get told 25% less as a trade in.

curlcrown, May 11, 8:25pm
Its doubbly funny when you say that to someone and they don't belive you, then dither for a few days and come back to buy it only to discorver some one else bought it.