Yep, thats the sort I was looking at. No problems with anything! Whats the makers name on the front of your one!
Aug 16, 3:35am
LOL, dodgey looking character.
Aug 16, 3:55am
I brought a used RAV off Trade me a couple of years ago and it is just great to have a good hoist. It's a 3000kg 3 phase clear floor screw type. Just be aware of how the hoist is load rated; look for a CE rating to be sure that what you are getting is safe. The load ratings on some Chinese hoists refer to their failure point, not the safe lifting capacity. I also get the hoist professionally serviced every year even though it's only for my own use. Better to be safe than sorry when working under a hoist.
Aug 16, 3:55am
It doesn't have a name on it and it came with no instructions at all. Haven't had any problems with it and it's been in operation since January. It's had my BJ74 Landcruiser up on it with no effort so the claimed rating of 3 tonnes (! can't remember) may be close to the mark.
Aug 16, 4:04am
Rob, cheers. Can you remember the name of the trader/outfit you got it from!
Aug 16, 4:11am
It came from a compliance operation in New Lynn in Portage Rd run by a bunch of Indian gentlemen, I don't recall the name of the place and they didn't place feedback after the auction so I can't track them that way. I'll see what I can find out and get back to you.
Aug 16, 4:15am
This would be them. New Lynn Compliance Centre Limited Contact: 09-827 9901
19C Portage Rd New Lynn Auckland 0600
Aug 16, 4:18am
Rob, thanks mate. I actually checked your feedback and saw nothing . but didn't want to bring it up in case someone thought you'd done a deal out the back door, lol! Thanks for the info.
those cheap hoists are ok only if you want to lift a couple of vehicles a week.they would not suit a wof garage where its going up and down all day the posts are very light in construction i should no i install and repair hoists for a living.
Aug 16, 4:37pm
Pinga . talk. A chinky one would most likely do me because its not in a commercial setting - more a well equipped enthusiasts shed that does the odd cash job now and then. But from your perspective . whats a reasonable brand that goes for reasonable coin!
Aug 17, 11:42pm
how much room do you have in your shed you would need 3.9 metres floor to ceiling for a clear floor hoist other wise you would have to go to a base hoist i will have a look on line and get back to you cheers.
Aug 19, 12:33am
Pinga . talk. I have enough roof height to install one of those hoists that do not have clear floor. This is the type I'm going to get. The thing is . all of the usual suspects selling hoists on TM have these similar looking ones but - with varying prices. Some have a western type name whilst others have chinky names. I don't care where it was made, just want fair value for money and value the advice from someone who has seen a fair few of them. So talk to me Pinga!
Aug 20, 5:55am
I have one in my mancave, paid $2500 on Trademe for it and I couldnt do without one now - and its only a hobby garage too.
Aug 20, 6:03am
:) Osh would have a field day!
Aug 20, 6:44am
hey mate, i will be building a garage sometime soon but out of interest would you know what the required minimun thickness of the concrete floor over what area to be safer than safe
Aug 20, 6:53am
What thickness concrete is required for your hoists!
A minimum of 150mm reinforced concrete slab is required, 200mm is optimal, for two and four post hoists. Some models of hoists can be installed on less than this with the purchase of additional accessories please check with staff for details.
Google is your friend
Aug 20, 1:47pm
i poured my whole workshop floor 250mm thick lol cost me 10 grand just for the concreet bill back then
Aug 20, 3:16pm
Pinga, ta for this. This particular type of hoist . it runs hydraulic!
Aug 20, 9:56pm
When I built garageI wanted a pit but councilforbidsthem .Pointed out testing stationshave thembut thats different .Danger ofgas build up,floodiingelectrocutionthey say,never heard of it happening
Aug 20, 11:14pm
Mechanic was burnt and later died in Cambridge in the 70's he dropped the lead light and up she went. The gases had built up in the pit. Very sad.
Aug 20, 11:50pm
Used to happen in NZ a long time ago. But not many people were prepared to pay for the rental ( even just a few hours) usually they knew somebody who would let them use their firms hoist.I used to use my BiL's. That was the way it was back in the '70s.
Aug 22, 3:02am
yes they are hydraulic go for the single phase cheers.
Sep 4, 9:35pm
Ahhh . got one! Placed the order in/paid for one today. Its a AM-6140. I am now officially broke but in a few weeks time - will be able to service my grunty little Lux pigger. Contrary to what some on here reckon . you can use, abuse, put away wet and generally mistreat, not service, go 10's of 1000's of k's past oil changes and rubber cam belt thingy changes with these little porkers and they luv you harder for it. Its probably going to break on me when he gets that new oil through his system, lol! Doubt it though.
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