Police bust drag meeting

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74nova, Mar 2, 7:28pm
You're wrong. Your missing the part where they actually have to drive there first. If the dickheads with B regos and illegally modified cars get caught at a check point then whose fault is that! The Police! I don't think so. Good on the Police for getting shit of the roads.

electromic, Mar 2, 7:44pm
I am quite happy to have a breath test and wof/reg/license check but would expect it to be on the road not in a carpark at the dragstrip.

gedo1, Mar 2, 7:51pm
If you believe that then I hate to enlighten you - it seems what you believe you can see through is rather like a window.You can't really see through because the blinds are down. Some people are like that; they only look as far as the blind in their own mind

gedo1, Mar 2, 7:54pm
As far as I can work out (but then I'm not young enough to know everything) revenue gatherers need revenue providers. doesn't work otherwise.Which stream do any of us fall into!

elect70, Mar 2, 8:40pm
Whyset up acheckpoint& booze busto target at the drags, surely its private property .Why dont police target the illegal street racers, they know where they operatebut thats to o diffucultbecausethechances ofcatching them isslim.

gunhand, Mar 2, 9:12pm
You may well have answered your own question. Yep cops come everyone txts everyone and they sod off. Next best thing nail them in a car park where there is no escape.
Was this a public event open to the public at a raceway! Yes! well its hardly private property as such then.I think you will find the police don't need special premission to enter private property if theres just cause or reason. Geez they would never be able to catch anyone ofr anything if that was the case. You could class your car as private property, which it kinda is but under legislations they have the power to search and sieze.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 9:30pm
There's a reason why many people no longer refer to them as Police but Inland Revenue - Road Transport Division. Inland Revenue don't turn up if you call them about a burglary either.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 9:38pm
Only under a few very specific situations do they have power to search or seize a motorvehicle.

bill-robinson, Mar 2, 10:07pm
very easy way to stop paying revenue as you call it

wrong2, Mar 2, 10:46pm
i suppose you also believe that monetary fines & the rampant increase in speed policing (on straight roads) is for our benefit & increases public safety

pollymay, Mar 2, 11:11pm
I had the temp licence which was checked back at the car for quite some time, on top of some guff about the rego "almost being out" so I was almost doing something wrong, or about to or some other vague implication that made no sense. Can't be friendly or casual about it then it's hardly going to setup any kind of expectation down the line of anything other than the typical law is the law, you shall hail and fear it stuff. On a continuous licensing system with all the information from the plate and my license number which was still valid there is nothing for me to worry about so there is no need to press the issue any further using condescending overtones IMO

2get1, Mar 2, 11:12pm
I think the biggest issue with the tractor rego is there is obviously no acc levy, so you drive your car on the road on a tractor label, if you have an accident that requires acc expenditure. where do you suppose that acc money comes from !

theyre just cheap arse sneaky little shits trying to keep their cars on the road for cheap, sounds like if they cant aford to pay full rego they shouldnt have cars as they clearly cant afford to cover the costs involved in owning one.

Hmm the roadway to the dragstrip is open to the public, its not private property its a road by law, as such the coppers can go there anytime they want and theres nothing anyone can do or say to get them to leave. Unless theres a locked gate at the start of it preventing members of the public having access to it.

So really theyre within their rights to be there targetting dickheads and cheap arses

and so the tractor rego doesnt require a wof, so whats wrong with getting this heaps under the microscope and either off the road via pink sticker or ticketed ! surely if theyre cheaparses that cant afford to pay proper car rego, then theyre probably trying to save a few dollars and the car may or may not be up to wof standard. do you want cars with no wof on the road, there is to many "what if's"

if your all legal you have nothing to worry about, no problem.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 11:16pm
Learn how to multiquote, gunhand. It's really easy. I can't be bothered going through sorting your mess out.

gunhand, Mar 2, 11:19pm
Actually its something I would like to know, most things are very easy once shown but the multi qoute eludes me.
And the answers/ reply is in same order as you quoted so I didnt think it was that hard to figure out but I may well be wrong and appoligise for not being able to multiquote.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 11:19pm
What's legal today may not be tomorrow and much of 'legal' is down to interpretation or completely and ridiculously anal. But I know you'd stop immediately and have the car towed if you got a chip in the CVA of the windscreen, right. I bet you stop every 100m to check for damaged cords on the tyres too. Just to be sure you're 'legal'.

Now, just who was affected by these kid's 'illegal' cars!

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 11:22pm
Just copy the [ quote= xxxxx ] bit and place it before each section you wish to quote and place the [/quote ] (extra space so it doesn't mess up) bit at the end of the quoted piece. I generally just type the close quote part.

gunhand, Mar 2, 11:23pm
Cheers, ill practise that.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 11:27pm
Yeah, that suits the wowsers, too scared to do anything that might be in the slightest bit illegal. Scared of their own shadow.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 11:30pm
Clearly the cops care nothing for 'winning hearts and minds' these days with such sorts of bully tactics. On the news they said it was more about compliance than penalties, but that could just be more 'road safety' propaganda.

gunhand, Mar 2, 11:43pm
Now, just who was affected by these kid's 'illegal' cars!

Edited by meathead_timaru at 6:22 pm, Sun 3 Mar


meathead_timaru (11 )6:19 pm, Sun 3 Mar #70

Quite possably no one is affected and may never be. Unfortunatly though the law is the law and theres bugger all we can do about it in the end.
But, I remember years ago before much stricter laws about vehicle mods came into place seeing things done to cars that most certainly are unsafe and a danger to others and occupants of such vehicles.
Dodgy engine mounts made from sub standard steel and welded in by a 2 year old, Chains holding the motor down, chain link steering wheels and so on. Im sure many could relate to things they seen years back.And its all abit of a laugh when you hear of a crash and see things falling off or explode (not a boom type one) as a result of poor engineering, cars that split in half when they shouldnt.
And you know the worst thing! Its all been brought about by just such things being done to cars with no checks or balances to make sure it is at least remotely safe. So we are kinda a victim of our own lack of car building or modifing skills.
Would you rather not have your son or daughter out on a date (is it still called a date!) with a young fella/girl in a home moddified car with god knows what done to it or a propper certified unit thats fully compliant.
This may not stop a tragic accident from happening but hopefully it stops faulty and poor workto the car causing it.

PS, I tried the qoute thing LOL, dosen't work the same for me.
If you start allowing cars with dodgy mods om the road just cause it may not be of harm then its a slippery slope to all manner of things being done to them.
Thats my view anyway.
And when my daughter starts dating im dam sure I want to know the car she may be in is safe.ish.

therafter1, Mar 2, 11:55pm
Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir, I understand, but in saying that I will assume that you have very obviously never been driving along the road in a fully legal vehicle travelling within the confines of posted speed limits and been pulled and issued an infringement notice for an offence that you haven??

therafter1, Mar 2, 11:56pm
Yes, rather strange isn??

gunhand, Mar 3, 12:02am
I could be wrong but isn't that how it works in other countries! they pull you over and then proceed to write out tickets for all manner of infringements.
In some of those countries its up to the owner to keep car up to standard isn't it!
Maybe there following there lead.
This will be where the old, oops you have a busted tail light thing will start happening if an officer takes a dislike to you.

therafter1, Mar 3, 12:27am
You didn't read the quote in the post that I was responding to. I don't actually have an issue with the changes as I make every attempt to keep my vehicles legal and WOF's don't cost me anything anyway. It was the hypocrisy that I was targeting. Onthe one hand we have been being dealt to in all manner of ways on the road under the guise of safer roads, they have then introduced changes that the government has conceded will possibly cost lives . it is about the collection of taxes from the roads, it has to be, as all of a sudden the loss of lives is simply collateral damage !

bill-robinson, Mar 3, 12:42am
just what would the infringment be! I have been stopped in all sorts of different countries for all sorts of things. I have been locked up for being in a supposedly speeding truck. I have had guns pointed at me, and I will still debate the issue with the police quietly,with a calm voice, and telling my passengers to shut up. the last ticket I had was for speeding, 107 kph in a 70 zone produced my license car was legal took my $300 fine like a man. when the officer told me that I could not do those speeds i asked what the ticket proved then. Guess who got embarrassed.