the lion is an inherently aggressive animal and more than willing to kill the relatively defenceless, smaller animal if it gets in his way.hang on a sec.
Mar 26, 1:48am
So knowing this, the smaller, defenseless animal will stay well out of the path of the inherently aggressive, larger animal. Where are you going with this!
Mar 26, 1:50am
do budgies wear lycra!.
Mar 26, 1:54am
it's a stupid analogy. A car or truck driver isn't a top predator acting on instinct with no free will. He should choose to drive carefully and courteously and accept that all road users are equal despite the size and speed differences
Mar 26, 1:55am
Probably that some humans aren't as clever as budgies.
Mar 26, 2:02am
It was simply a continuation of the existing analogy. And in a perfect world, on perfect roads, in perfect conditions, yes all road users are equal. However, in the real worl, this is simply not the case. More care needs to be taken on BOTH sides of the fence, on the motorists case, to give cyclists room, and vice versa. However, cyclists need to make smarter decisions as to where they ride, as they will ALWAYS come off second best ,whoever is at fault. Rightly or wrongly, that's just the way that it is.
Mar 26, 2:33am
Cycles should have compulsory reflectors on the pedals and front and rear lights. I have come across many cyclist driving at dusk, with dark clothing and no lights. Some cyclist sure are stupid !
Mar 26, 3:07am
I agree, some are idiots with no sense of self preservation.
Mar 26, 3:08am
oh well lets all just drive everywhere.or sit in front of a TV or computah all is would be much safer if we just all died of obesity.seen all those fat kids being driven to school !
Mar 26, 3:10am
What's wrong with off-road cycling!
Mar 26, 3:17am
Nothing wrong with it, but many prefer faster road cycling, and also using bicycles as transport.
Mar 26, 3:59am
Yes they are. As are many motorists. I think many people are just stupid in general.
Mar 26, 4:08am
I see cars driving at night with no lights on, not indicating and shooting red lights. some car drivers sure are stupid too.
Mar 26, 4:45am
Im not prepared to risk my safety crossing the centre line in my vehicle into oncoming traffic just to avoid some dimwitted cyclist driving down the middle of my lane listening to some jigg a boo music on his/her ipod. So be warned u get no space from me, what do all those signs say ! share the road. well that works both ways , ignorant pricks on bikes
Mar 26, 4:50am
You need some counselling.
Mar 26, 4:53am
u mad bro!
Mar 26, 5:33am
Man there are some dumb Bogans in here! Maybe if they weren't so fat they could get out of their cars (POS) and ride a bike once and a while.
Mar 26, 5:40am
your lane! Drive to the conditions, including space and visibility. Be aware of other road users and potential hazards but mostly, stop being such an egocentric prick
Mar 26, 5:44am
read #38
Mar 26, 9:37pm
Cyclists don't ride at 140kmph+ weaving in and out of traffic down the motorway.
Mar 27, 2:35am
brummoi wrote: your lane! Drive to the conditions, including space and visibility. Be aware of other road users and potential hazards but mostly, stop being such an egocentric prick[/quote You must be one those pricks I was talikng about, jerk off
Mar 27, 2:45am
LMFAO.I'm in the transport industry,how do you think the bikes get to the shops! Helicopter! Jetsons car! lolNOOOooooooo.TRUCKS take them:)
Mar 27, 2:50am
Im pretty sure they are only allowed 2 a breast when its safe to do so, if at any stage its not safe or they are holding up traffic they must go to single file. Iv had my own close call with 2 lycra wan#ers side by side 100kph area mid corner with a car coming the other way, the guy closest to me was lucky as i was going to take him out before i would cross the centre line.[/quote]
My husband had a very close call wih a mob of lycra idiots recently when he was travelling to work just after 6am.they shot straight through a stop sign around a corner.going way too fast for the manouvre and of course spewed out onto the road. none had lights and they were dressed in dark colours. they always seem to wear dark coloured lycra.(more slimming perhaps!) To this day he doesn't know how he managed to avoid them. He stopped further up the road to tell them how close they got to being on his bonnett and causing a major accident. All he go was mouthful of abuse. He rang the cops but no one was available.
Mar 27, 3:01am
Good on him for stopping - both times. There is the Pure Black team that trains all black (and a few white stripes) kit. Its best (if they don't take the advice) to phone the local clubs and shops. Word will get to them.
Mar 27, 3:23am
those cyclists need to get a bus
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