Speak out before Police Stupidity costs more lives
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Oct 1, 11:30pm
"tell that to the 400 or so"
why !
did the roads suddenly cause them to lose control & hit things !
get your hand off it
crashes are not caused by "dangerous roads" - no such thing!
theres areas that require more concentration - but concentration is an expected thing if your not wanting to splatter yourself
people cause crashes - roads dont
& 120 on our highways is fine & safe
Oct 1, 11:33pm
Classic did you miss the part where the article stated he had no ID on him!
Oct 1, 11:33pm
Can you not read! where did I meantion the road being to blame. What I did say is " For any number of reasons it goes wrong"
Oct 1, 11:35pm
Given what happened to Micheal Schumacher last weekend even the best make mistakes.
Oct 1, 11:36pm
But not legal to travel at that speed.hence the Police Officer did the job of enforcing the law you disagree with.
Oct 1, 11:44pm
With the case in question does anyone know what the road conditions were like on the date in question!July 26, 2008 my memory serves me correctly that was during the period of extremely bad weather that winter.So 118kph was probably a dangerous speed that night with wet roads and standing water.ah no one thought about that in the speed arguement.Thanks for raising the enviroment point gunhand
Edit:- Just did some research and found storm warnings issued for the date in question so yea he was driving like a twat in poor weather.
Oct 2, 1:43am
44 posts before someone hit the nail on the head! Why was the doctor placed in the situation where he feels required to break the law to do his job.! Hard questions should be asked of the DHB, not the police.
Oct 2, 1:45pm
Put the responsibility where it belongs:
The doctor simply has to say to Constable Gormless:
"I'm racing to save a patient's life.If you want to detain me to answer your questions and comply with your instructions, that patient has a very good chance of dying.Should that happen, since your name and badge number is known to me, I shall ensure your identity and actions at this time receive the widest publicity possible.Now you can either assist me and help save a life or we can stand here on the motorway having an involuntary chat.Your call."
Oct 2, 2:18pm
No comment from anyone about the weather conditions!
The Doctor stuffed up the Cop did his DUTY and the Doctor is blaming the Cop for his patiants death.Yet because of your "we hate the Police" attitudes you can see that either.
Oct 2, 2:46pm
Nope even put more simply --Hey officer look PLEASE follow me to the hospital and feel free to throw the book at me as you see fit.-right now I've a life to save so can we discuss this at the hospital please!
Oct 2, 2:47pm
I advocate arming all Police with chrystal balls and bullshit detectors (currently available at dick smith) about then again this would be an intrusion of the public civil rights. (because we all know NO ONE lies to the police). End of story cop did what he was paid to do and doctor/Health care system fell far short in meeting his/their obligations and now OP is trying to find someone to blame. Interesting that the Police seemed to get that.
Oct 2, 2:51pm
"Drive to the conditions, if they change, reduce your speed."
Oct 2, 2:58pm
Just to be clear.I don't and NEVER WILLbelieve that speed itself kills. Having travelled onsighnposted 50km/h roads at over 200km/h(completely legally ) several timeswith no harmclearly it isn't the speed itself that kills. Why I was able to do so with complete confidence is that every other road user was WELL TRAINED to travel at speed. EVERY vehicle on the road was mechanically fit to travel at that speed. EVERYroad user was aware of road hazards specific to that road and drove accordingly.
Oct 2, 3:10pm
And last but not least EVERYONE was going in the same direction.
Oct 2, 5:49pm
Yep you all are still missing the point
The Doctor argued with the cop and was rude to the cop (it is alledged)
Now the Doctor is blaming the Police for doing the job the cop is duty bound to do. Yet the Cop did not issue a ticket in the end!It seems the Cop gave him the benefit of the doubt and the Doctor still has an axe to grind because he feels guilty for not being at the Hospital where he should have been.
Oct 2, 9:54pm
actually thats not a point I was making. -the point was the vehicles are goodand the drivers are trained
Oct 2, 10:14pm
I know some asian drivers who have "good" vehicles and are "trained". Still wouldn't get in a car with them.
Oct 3, 1:33am
The Doctor was totally at fault.When traveling to an emergency, he should have been displaying the required flashing light on his vehicle. If he had been, the cop would most likely not havestopped him,and more likely, he would have assisted the Doctor to get to where he was going as quickly as possible.From LTNZ Lighting Rule.read below. 11.2(3)A motor vehicle operated by a registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse or registered midwife may be fitted with one green beacon.if they are in a hurry, they should display the required lights.end of problem.
Oct 3, 4:31am
Oct 3, 1:15pm
At which point Constable Gormless's default, heavy control freak switch glows and the doctor is arrested for "obstructing police" or similar omnibus BS pretext.
Yeah - that'll really work.
Oct 3, 2:08pm
[quote=lovemore_mbigi At which point Constable Gormless's default, heavy control freak switch glows and the doctor is arrested for "obstructing police" or similar omnibus BS pretext. Yeah - that'll really work.[/quote]
What a load of rubbish!
And if the hospital really was interested in preserving life, they would have a doctor at the hospital all the time not just on call.
I find it incredible that prople are only expected to get terminally ill during normal working hours so there is no need to have a suitably qualified expert on site outside those hours.
The Police Officer was doing his job, the doctor wasn't and was breaking the law as well.And then had the arrogance to take exception with the one person involved who was fullfilling their expectations.
Oct 3, 2:13pm
THAThas to be the most idiotic statement I have EVERread on ths forum.And believe me I've read some pretty good ones. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -I'm happy to make a stat dec that I'm not making things up. 1) 11.00pm at night abit north of Taupo mid mayPulled over for speeding. I dunno how fast I was going. The cop saw I was frozen to the core. Offered coffee from his thermos and a few minutes in the car to thaw out.--No ticket issued. Long Haul ride from Christchurch to auckland on a just purchased bike. Speedo needle leaping between 60 and 150km/h. Going down a long hill Pulled over. Turns out I was doing around 120km/h. Cop issues ticket but also gives clear and precice instructions on what to do to get let off the ticket He also led mefor around 1km so I could match RPM on the flat with 100km/h. These are just two examples where cops showed common sense Ya know I can't think of one single time where I've been pinged that it hasn't been deserved. maybee there are terrible cops,like terrible mechanics,lawyers,doctors et but by at loarge they seem dedicated to doing the right thing.
Oct 3, 2:20pm
It all comes from the intitial contact and how you react!You start huffing and puffing, cursing and swearing your going to get stomped on.
Several years ago I have nothing but praise for the Police Officer that stopped us for speeding on our way to the Hospital.It is all about approach.Of course if that cop had been a complete moron he would have found himself out of his depth because the reason for the haste was obvious.
Next time someone wants to comment on this situation with this Doctor read the HEADLINE!
btw, found out a bit more about our good doctor in this article, I better not post it here you can find the stuff yourself.
Oct 3, 2:30pm
Seeing as this is awhine and cheese thread. ANOTHER problem is that the poor darned cops are even having to pull people over in the first place. WHY do we have "speed limits" set to the lowest common denominator! I used to think that its just that our driving standards are so low but its so much worse than that. ITS THE ENTIRE KIWI ATTITUDE.-- specific to driving. 1) The attitude that you just need to learn the specific skills to get that little piece of plastic 2) that in fact sitting a few scratchy questions on a computer means that you are safe to drive any vehicle at any time at any speed. 3) That as long as your car passes a 20 minute test once every 6 months that its entirely safe at any speed at any time. Then a bunch of guys n gals somehow have to keep you with your god complex and all the other untraineddrivers in vehicles in questionable mechanical condition safe on the road. Change the attitude that a licence is a RIGHT and that a car is safe at all times and then everything else can actually change. In other wordsSTART ACCEPTING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Untill then i wouldn't wanna be the poor barstward trying to keep you alive
Oct 3, 2:37pm
the amount of people that hate the police is a big number.why do people hate the police!
i'll list some reasons: they devote a lot more time to catching speeders than any reported crime they have a tendancy of twisting evidence to suit themselves they assault people in their custody and deny it they commonly drive dangerously, for either no apparent reason or to stop someone who was doing something a lot less dangerous
if the cops at least made it look like they were trying to help joe public rather than attack joe public they would have a lot more public support.
question, if you saw a cop today without backup, losing a battle with an unruly member of the public, would you stop and help the cop!
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