WRX the issue that keeps going on

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pc_evo, Aug 12, 4:16am
Thanks mate will get that done 2morow. :)

bigfatmat1, Aug 12, 4:17am
20 mins to do a plug change easy job. as above remove washer bottle and batt

snoopy221, Aug 12, 4:18am
Remove the battery, washer bottle and airbox, and make sure you have the right length extension, and plug changes are pretty easy, despite what some haters might say
Yip world is full of *iriots* who reckon ya gotta lift da mota to change da sparklers.

NZTools, Aug 12, 4:18am
All good mate. she's working her ass off as usual. Still 2 kids, and thats enough to wear us out. i'm gettin a hankering for something FAST again though.

snoopy221, Aug 12, 4:20am
Like a male looks at a woman with a nice ass.
doesn't mean he has anal tendencies-
juss means he KNOWS what he loikes-K

Sheesh you buggas are slippin.
Ya should be tellin moi i forgot .-

snoopy221, Aug 12, 4:20am

NZTools, Aug 12, 4:21am

snoopy221, Aug 12, 4:22am
i'm gettin a hankering for something FAST again though.

U nd MOI
[I can SMELL anudda .*Tick* .8]

NZTools, Aug 12, 4:25am
Ahhhhhh. Tapocketa tapoceta tapoceta bonnet shakin cock the left front at the lights

A wrx just wont cut it anymore man.

pc_evo, Aug 12, 4:29am
One more thing mate, since your in the know, if i was getting DET, would the engine already be dead, as in too late or what!>

NZTools, Aug 12, 4:29am
Anywho, I've got cows to feed in the morning, and its pissing down (again) 3rd flood in as many weeks. I gettin over mud up to my nuts. (and there be no references to the above post regarding anal in that)

NZTools, Aug 12, 4:30am
You wont be getting det. Your knock sensor is just going off prematurely.

pc_evo, Aug 12, 4:31am
Sweet thanks mate, not lack of fuel / old filter either! (just trying to eliminate likely hoods)

snoopy221, Aug 12, 4:38am
Ahhhhhh. Tapocketa tapoceta tapoceta bonnet shakin cock the left front at the lights
add a slippery and she'll dig er way thru da mud!
[Or it'll be FUN tryn-LOL}
Yeah wet here 2 4 wheelers donna like pullin trailers.
[And a few paddocks-MEH MUDDOCKS-need a re sow.
Life the universe and MUD.LOL]
Night Pete.

outbidyou2, Aug 12, 6:32am
Have a read clever guy, I know your'e "qualified", just not too sure what at


outbidyou2, Aug 12, 6:34am
Oh, and just to be clear NZtool I never said he had DET and was alluding to the obvious of him not having it at all

incar., Aug 12, 8:31am
is it missing when the boost drops and starts climbing!, are you getting boost spike it any rev range! have you check then double checked for any air leaks around hoses/cooler etc, what bov are you running!, has the mechanic attached a fuel pressure gauge while test driving, if all has been tested and checked properly try clamping the waste gate hose with a brake hose clamp, test drive ( not full noise) and see if your getting constant boost

audi_s_ate, Aug 12, 2:38pm
WRX's are only single turbo

pc_evo, Aug 12, 5:25pm
all been done. yes all. constant boost when on wastegate only.

also changed knock sensor. no change. Armstrongs tested said it feels flat every gear but first. its still there.

any other suggestions!

incar., Aug 12, 5:52pm
So by clamping the waste gate hose it runs and boosts thru out the rev range! How was the waste gate tested just by blowing air into!

incar., Aug 12, 5:55pm
Knock sensor would throw out a code if resistance were out

pc_evo, Aug 12, 5:59pm
yeah tested with another one so no code and no change so I'm back to square one with no ideas

kehua, Aug 12, 6:46pm
Have you had any work done to it in the last week or so!

pc_evo, Aug 12, 6:54pm
yes afm replaced boost solenoid replaced clutch and main seal rocker cover

incar., Aug 12, 8:28pm
So was it like this before the clutch/rocker cover gaskets were replaced! If no then go over it, if yes find another mechanic