WRX the issue that keeps going on

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pc_evo, Aug 12, 8:52pm
It was worse, hence the faulty boost control solenoid. Now it feels like its just not as much go as it should have. Mechanic from armstrongs also commented it felt like it shold have heaps more power than it does

hijacka, Aug 12, 8:58pm
There are a number of things it could be, Without repeating what others have guessed, i'm going to say faulty map sensor! its located near the boost control solenoid and may have been knocked. Seems like maybe it can't read passed a certain manifold pressure. other thing i would check is fuel pressure! could be a faulty pump or even reg! Should be 43psi on idle and With reg vac hose removed it should read static 50psi.Its not uncommon for fuel regulator to pack out.
Also has the turbo actuator hose got the right size restrictor pill in it! Does it have the factory rubber hoses coming of the turbo actuator and to the turbo comp housing up to the control solenoid! each pill is sized to suit that turbo size. if the restrictor pill thats inside rubber hose has been removed then you could be hitting boost cut or keeping the gate open to much.(try a aftermarket boost controller)

pc_evo, Aug 12, 9:12pm
Boost controller method was suggested to me, but would prefer not to go down that road just yet as its just masking another issue.

Factory hoses off the turbo, the pill is in there, i can only assume its correct size as its creating 13psi boost (thast the max, its not overboosting).

Would MAP sensor always throw a code!

. I should have taken it to you in the first place :(

kehua, Aug 12, 10:08pm
Was that, you had clutch replaced! Couldn't understand as said as one sentence.

pc_evo, Aug 12, 10:15pm
Yeah mate clutch was replaced as well as main seal, rocker cover seal, afm, boost control solenoid, clutch was bout f**kd, guy showed me the plate, just about to the rivets

holdensorfords, Aug 12, 10:42pm
Might need a reflash.

pc_evo, Aug 12, 10:53pm
common! should a dealer be able to

pc_evo, Aug 13, 1:02am
As an update, armstrongs had it all day, tested the knock sensor by changing it for a new one, didnt work. Also checked the cam timing, was all correct.It is going back to them on Saturday morning (first time i can get it in), the worrying thing is, it appears to be getting worse :(

usdefault, Aug 13, 1:08am
Done a compression test!

pc_evo, Aug 13, 1:27am
Not yet

pc_evo, Aug 13, 4:46am
nztools or hijacka any advice!

cowlover, Aug 13, 4:54am
Maybe it needs to go on a dyno and then it can be checked as its failing.I know nothing about subbys but surely it can't be that hard to get to the bottom of this problem.The fact its ok with the wastegate hose clamped must mean something to a subby expert.I've worked with turbo stuff before and we just hooked the wastegate controlto a supply of compresed air to provide a measurable constant pessure

pc_evo, Aug 13, 5:05am
yeah good call. 4wd dyno in timaru!

hijacka, Aug 13, 5:23am
Its not about masking a problem its more testing to see if that is the problem. As above you need to plum in a in-cabin fuel pressure gauge and check the fuel pressure to eliminate that possiblity aswell. Without feeling the cut out myself and checking over thing its very hard to determine the exact course as there is a long list of possibilities. maybe its got hurt feeling from your trademe user name:)

hijacka, Aug 13, 5:27am
If your game enough to get it up here in chch i could have a look at it.

supernova2, Aug 13, 6:12am
Well I guess if there is nobody in Timaru with the knowlege/skills/tools to fix your car you would be better not to own such a thing in Timaru or be prepared to take it where there is the appropriate service.This is a bit harsh I know but perhaps export it back to jappa land where it belongs.lol.

pc_evo, Aug 13, 2:20pm
Ok well its booked into armstrongs again on saturday to see if they can find the issue, if not, then maybe sunday, what ya reckon!

pc_evo, Aug 13, 2:21pm
. Ill export you !

kazbanz, Aug 13, 3:38pm
OP--Id do some web surfing -something sounds really familiar about retarded boost at a certain rpm. Something about passing noise readings or similar

pc_evo, Aug 13, 10:45pm
done a lot of that. please tell me if you find something :-)

hijacka, Aug 14, 12:01am
Going through everything you said i think wornout fuel pump. will also cause it to lean as it will be lacking pressure.
And at high rpm/full throttle and or high boost will cause theshutter, cuttting out on and off quickly as the injector pulse rate changes to suit the amount of air coming in and a worn pump will drop in pressure and have like a jolting effect then back off throttle will stop it cutting out. Does this sound fimilar! If it does replace the fuel pump.

incar., Aug 14, 12:37am
he says everything has been tested including fuel pressure (at idle/underload etc) as I have asked, sounds like the mechanic is guessing a lot or not carrying out complete tests, not all mechanics are created equal, the power of elimination or lack of I think is the issue here, should of been sorted by now!

snoopy221, Aug 14, 12:51am
Ya KNOW somewhere aboot this.point.
Someone SHOULD have pulled the sparklers and checked em.

Still reads as FLAT on LOAD-
Okay in first gear and pancake after that.

pc_evo, Aug 14, 1:13am
Yeah id agree, maybe plugs also! its not fully cutting out.

Would this cause the boost to dive as well!

pc_evo, Aug 14, 1:14am
Yeah pretty much mate