vw golf tag
Topic | Replies | Last post |
How to work out market value of VW Golf GT 2004? What is the easiest/best way to work out the market value of a car!Have looked on Trade Me but prices vary a lot depending on if they are through car dealers or private.Trying to work this out for insurance and they say I need to give them the market valu... |
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Tell me about the Mk 4 VW Golf Hello, I'm looking for some advice please. We need to upgrade our ageing Corolla and I fancy a Golf as I owned an Audi A3 a few years ago in Scotland and it was nothing but reliable and was build like a tank. But what is servicing and parts costs for ... |
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Vw golf maintenance sites hi, does anyone know of websites with information on vw golf maintenance (Mk5, 2004)! especially looking for sites with pics on coolant replacement etc. I suppose an onlinemanual would be too much to ask for. thanks in advance |
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White vw golf in cambridge! hi does anyone know or seen a white vw golf driving round cambridge with an offers sign in the window!saw it go past the other day but couldn't see his number. if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated thanks |
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91 VW Golf 1800 not running well.! Hey guys. any ideas on why it would be! Is a fuel injection, auto MK2 golf. Has a missfire when starting up. That goes away after a bit. And it surges when driving. Thanks! |
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VW Golf Hi am wanting to buy a hatchback around the 12,000 dollar mark. Are vw golf's any good! I have always owned nissan's and am not sure whether to go for a european car. It needs to be under 100,000kms and 2000 or newer in years. |
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Door lock knobs that would fit 1998 VW Golf! Help Hi I am looking to replace door lock knobs on my 1998 VW Golf, hopefully with something from another vehicle make. Three of the four door knob locks snapped off like they were plastic from the $2 shop. Anyone had the same problem! Thank you in advance for... |
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Hi guys, 1997 VW Golf indicator light covers Indicator light in car when turned on indicates very fast,indicator not working outside,so I was sold light bulbs,please tell me how I get the cover off the front of the car to install the new bulbs,thank you. |
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VW Golf '98 bonnet won't open I went to open the bonnet on my 1998 Golf GL and it wouldn't unlatch from inside. I've pulled really hard on the cable but it seems stuck and nothing is happening. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do! |
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VW golf Fault codes Heres some of them: http://img849.imageshack.us/img |
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VW Golf. So my granparents have just given me one for my birthday 2000 standard golf. When i start it when its cold, it starts then dies. I leave it for 10mins, start it again and with a few revs behind it it starts - but sounds like a tractor. It is blowing alot ... |
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VW golf 2 litre 2001 any good Looking at some on t/me what are the issues with these, are the 1800's all turbo |
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Wagons - Mondeo and VW Golf Owners :) After really wanting a Ford Escape 3L V6 then reading helpful and much appreciated advice on here, I have decided I would be better getting a wagon - comfort, economy, safety and easier to manuvoure being the main reasons. My vehicle will be mostly used f... |
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VW Golf - thoughts? I've had a browse through old forum posts about VW Golfs.I'm shopped around driving other makes, but my preference is a Golf. I'm looking at spending 10k and want to know if I should consider a 2000-ish Golf GTi or steer clear and go for a 2.0... |
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CAMBELT on VW Golf Has any had their cambelt done on their golf and how much did it cost! Mine will be due in around 10000km and just getting an idea what prices are out there (as not to be ripped off or know that I have a good deal) Would you take it to a VW dealership (fi... |
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NEW VW GOLF OR POLO Looking to replace 2007 Holden Astra 2.2 SRI with either a new 77kw VW Polo or a 90kw VW Golf TSI.Any opinions on reliability of the new VW's or would we be safer buying a Mazda3 SP25! |
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New transmission for a 1998 VW Golf! Help - the transmission has gone in my (friend's) VW Golf. It's an automatic, 1998 Golf GL. Just got quoted $600-1500. Anyone know what a reasonable price for this job would be! Thanks |
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VW Golf Engine Help My son recently purchased a 1997 VW Golf a couple months ago. Its only done 170xxx kms. Hes only been taking it out for driving lessons during the weekends when hes had time to. Its recently gotten a cracked head in the motor and has been told to buy a wh... |
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VW Golf parts in Ch Ch? Hi all we need to get a kit to service the Auto Transmission on my sons VW Golf CLI, anyone know where the bet place to shop is? Thanks |
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Vw golf.no reverse Not sure what to do with this car. Its a 1999 auto and want it gone.Would it be worth while trying to off load it on T/M or send it to a wreckers.Aside from this,its in really good condition,but I have no need to fix it as have replaced with new car.Thoug... |
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97 VW Golf gli 1980cc Cutting out Anyone know why my golf cuts out randomly ? Just the engine but lights on dash stay on. It can restart again after a few minutes of sitting. |
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VW Golf GTi revs dropping? Sons mk 4 golf has just started dropping revs when coming to a stop (when completly lifting the throttle). Revs will drop momentarily to about 400revs, then it corrects itself to about 800 at idle. Idles fine on start up, but after an increase in revs and... |
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Tyre pressure for VW Golf Hi. I have recently bought a VW Golf with 195/65R15 tyres. Can someone please tell me what the correct tyre pressure should be? The info on the sticker inside the petrol flap says 180kpa -but that's only 26psi which is ridiculous! Many thanks |
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VW Golf problems with Sills Hi not sure where to ask this my son has bought a VW Golf CLI 1996 it had a new warrant when he bought it 7mths ago, my DH noticed that the sills were crushed but as it had a warrant thought it was ok. But now my son can't get a warrant & the WOF place ja... |
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VW Golf Throttle mount rubber boot air leak. Any mechanics in here able to give an estimated amount of cost to replace the seal? |
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VW Golf Airbags My daughter is looking at a VW golf hatchback as her first car. As we live on a busy country road this seemed like a good idea as they apparently all multiple 12 airbags. Now we have looked into it some have as little as 4 and others have 12 but we cant s... |
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Oily Film on VW Golf Plastic I've noticed that a lot of the interior plastic in our 2003 VW Golf has a sticky, almost oily, film on it.It doesn't rub off easily, and seems to be mainly on the steering column cover and around the central console area.Do any of you gurus have a... |
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2003 VW Golf Servicing etc Costs? We're looking at replacing our current 2nd car with a medium sized station wagon of some sort.I was keen on a Subaru Outback 3L, but my wife less keen because of the fuel consumption and apparent attractiveness to thieves - whatever car it is, it'... |
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VW golf using oil is this common with vw turbos, have people tell us its quite normal for those to use oil |
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Any Ideas re VW Golf gauges not working after jump I jump started my Golf Auto with terminals round wrong way - now rev counter and oil pressure light is flashing and auto wont change gear- Any ideas! |
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1996 VW Golf Have been offered to swap my car for a 1996 VW Golf 2000cc manual. What are they like! Any good! Would it be worth swapping with mine and on selling it!I know that they look ugly as hell. Cheers |
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VW Golf 90kw TSI This message is really for Jazz -Looking at moving from Honda Civic 2008 (and have been a Honda man for years) to a 2012 Golf TSI 90kw ex demo (very low k's of course). I travel a very modest 4000 km's per year and my wife has a Polo (2011 model) ... |
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VW Golf Mk4 The high beam headlights on this model are very good. I know this because the 'tard owner of one of these vehicles just followed me all the way from Kelburn out to Karori with his high beams on. Blissfully unaware. (S)he must have thought I was talkin... |
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Servicing and repairs around central Auckland for VW Golf Anyone has a good recommendation? It is an old-ish mark 4. I drove a Japanese car previously so pretty much anywhere would do.. |
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Importing a car from Japan. Looking to import a vw golf 2007 08 from japan have a family member in tokyo that could view not sur Looking to import a VW Golf 2007-08 from Japan. Have a family member in Tokyo that could view .Not sure if these cars meet NZ standards now. Any other pitfalls Ineed to know Cheers |
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Removing an engine from a VW Golf This video shows how http://whitetrashrepairs.com/white-trash/redneck-engine-removal/ |
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VW Golf Service - Christchurch I have to get my wifes VW serviced for the warranty every 6 months.Is it really necessary to take it to Miles and pay $400 for what seems like to me a pretty straight forward process for any good mechanic!Any suggestions where I could get it serviced by a... |
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2005ish VW Golf Looking at a little hatch and thought this car was cool - 2.0 or so. Being German is a little scary, are these cars reliable! Meaning no breakdowns monthly like a Merc or BM! |
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VW Golf wont DRIVE? in park or neutral Okay my car starts but wont let me put it out of park or neutral! The light seems to stay on (one with the foot pedal picture) |
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VW GOLF CHAIN OR BELT DRIVEN? Looking at a VW GOLF 1996 1800cc, does anyone know for a fact if it is belt or chain driven! No mention of it in owners manual and mixed answers via google etc. |
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