skyline tag
Topic | Replies | Last post |
Blue skyline stolen in feilding Hey on saturday 21 of the 1st 2012, a skyline got stolen from north street feilding, sparkle blue, if anyone has seen it please contact me on 027 864 6083, a big reward will be in place,!/photo.php!fbid=257901959029-5&set=a.1... |
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Stolen: Nissan Skyline from chch (rego ZQ4720) The member deleted this message. |
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Towing an automatic. I have a auto skyline that i need totow aprox 30kms if i take the driveshaft off it then will not harm the i have a auto skyline that i need totow aprox 30kms if i take the driveshaft off it then will not harm the trans is this right! as i was told i may still harm it. |
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Nissan Skyline 92 r32de A good, reliable car driving from hamilton to huntly 5 days a week!Any thoughts greatly appreciated. |
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Question what would a 1997 nissan skyline gts4 be worth! 150km auto rb25 |
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What happened to the widebody Skyline has it been pulled already. even the MB threadhas gone |
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Which coils are best for a 96 r33 gts25t skyline? There are so many kinds of aftermarket coils out there, just wanna know which is the best performance coils that work best and last longest! Or would it be best to get a wasted spark setup fitted. Reason for this is i need new coils. Thanks |
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Interesting V8 Skyline Wonder what the widebody kid thinks about this |
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Cost to get cambelt changed on Nissan Skyline! Just wondering if anyone here would know roughly the cost to have a cambelt changed by a mechanic on a 1995 Nissan Skyline R33 with an Rb26 in it! I live in Auckland if anyone can recommend someone good and cheap. Thanks. |
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Skyline R34 GTS-T GTR forsale on ebot!v=3etFKjGiibc a must-have for any hybrid enthusiast! |
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Stolen car. Car got stolen people might put on trade me dont buy it frg813 grey 4 door skyline 5 tints on the windows looking fo car got stolen people might put on trade me dont buy it FRG813 grey 4 door skyline 5% tints on the windows looking for car |
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Stolen r33 skyline gtst listing number 367181136 Car was stolen from outside my house on Monday 16th at 435 am. last seen going down clarkin road towards tramway reward offered 4 info leading 2 the return of itr33 25 det gtst skyline series 2 maroon redwas converted 2 manualblue hose pipesduel blow off ... |
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Stolen Nissan R32 GTR Skyline Stolen Nissan R32 GTR 1989 Black with gold and chrome mags, Stolen from Belfast early hours of Wednesday morning.Any info would be great. Rego num FRM665. Please contact the Papanui Police station if you see it. Thanks |
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Car battery problem. We have a nissan skyline that will run all day without a problem once it has been startedbut when left over we have a nissan skyline that will run all day without a problem once it has been startedbut when left overnight it seems to lower the battery power so it is not strong enuff to start it ,,we have a new battery in it and we thought that would solve the pr... |
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TV in imported Skyline Does anyone know if this can be replaced with a GPS, as it does not work mas on only tuned for Japanese television! |
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Nissan Skyline or Mazda Atena. which one? My husband and I are looking at updating our car.He likes the Nissan Skyline 300GT 2002 an I like the Mazda Atenza 2.3 2003 model. Is anyone able to comment about their experience/knowlege on these cars that may help us to make our decision. Thanks. |
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Skyline 250GT Auto or CVT? Hi all Can someone confirm if these are CVT or a normal Auto and if I should be worried if CVT!.!id=379724424&permanent=0 |
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Skyline oil the wifes r33 woulnt start the other day.hows the water and oil I ask . huh was the reaction. so i lifted the bonnet and checked the oil and water(which im going to do more often) and ,no supprise it was sweet as. when istarted it ( took a while to start)... |
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R33 Skyline shocks Got a full set here but not sure which end is which 2 Short & 2 long shocks Which is front & which is rear! |
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GTR SKYLINE vs RS COSWORTH Can anybody tell me why is it that the GTR skyline is so much cheaper to buy than an RS cosworth ! Which one is better ! |
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Nissan Skyline R33 Ignitor Hey, is there a relay, or fuse, as im getting no spark thanks |
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Skyline Megameet in Timaru this Saturday, 19th!!f=16&t=3547 Dunedin and lower south peeps are meeting up between 7:45am and 8:15am at the end of the One Way North (Gt King St), on that wee road on the left that goes to Willowbank Fire Station (see ma... |
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Skyline value. My Son in Law is about to sell his 97 Skyline GTS25T R33 skyline coupe. Its white with body kit, done 170,000km auto and turbo. The condition would be average. Does anyone have an idea what he could get for it please! Cheers Stevo |
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My skyline listing - Michael mason Okay so this guy has just scammed one of the potential buyers of my car, hes obviously gotten their number off my trademe auction and started organizing a deal to go through, and scammed a trademe member out of 300 dollars, does anyone know this person or... |
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02 skyline 250gt got my new one today 880kms lateron a tank of gasnice car to drive .thanks el cheapo cars |
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What you pay for a 1989 skyline gts r32 all stanted auto done 154 kms wof and rego |
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Nissan skyline air flow meter have got a problem with my c33 laurel i jus got mechanics to do a ecu scan and was algood except the afm was the incorect 1 so got them 2 change my 5 pin afm plug to 3 spade terminals for a series 2 afm. got it bak pushed them al in the correct order and ... |
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Dunedin Skyline meet this Saturday, 22nd! Hey all. Late notice i know, but Southern Skyline Enthusiasts are having their first 2011 meet and cruise. Meeting up this Saturday 22nd at the Dunedin Ice Stadium carpark (big one on Victoria Rd, St Kilda) from 2pm to 3pm.RAIN OR SHINE! We've had suc... |
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Windscreen wipers for 2007 Nissan Skyline 350gt Having trouble finding a set . X Japan , Nissan is saying 12 weeks . That's 6 weeks longer than a Jap bike part . Will have a look on rock auto under Infinity to see if they match . Any1 know for sure where i can get them in NZ ? . I use Rain x and notice... |
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Nissan 370Z vs Skyline 370GT crossover For a long time I have wanted a Nissan 370Z, but for a family car I already have a 2009 Skyline 370GT Crossover (the four wheel drive model). Had the skyline a couple of years and it goes pretty well and am pretty happy with it. Would be keeping the Skyli... |
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R32 Skyline Manual Conversion So we have a stock standard R32 Coupe GTS with an RB25DE engine and auto box. We want to convert it to manual and turbo it. What manual box is best suited? |
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Nissan Caravan & Navara / Skyline gearbox's Got some lingering issues with my 95 Nissan Caravan gearbox & have heard that some internals are interchangeable between the Caravan & Skyline/ Narvara box's. The Caravan box is an R55w71c Also does anyone know of a Narvara box (2wd or 4wd) that is column... |
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Nissan Skyline 350 GT - 2008 V36 Hi all - have just arranged to import one of these cars and wondering if anyone can help please with: 1 Advise on where to get this car serviced in ChCh (other than Cockram Nissan i guess?). 2 Where i can get band expander installed. 3 Any maintenance iss... |
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Nissan Skyline 370 Coupe or Juke Turbo. Apart from both being Nissans I spose you could say their complete opposites. I like them both but definitely leaning toward Skyline. Quite like the idea of luxury and power. looking at it as a retirement present next year without spending a fortune and r... |
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Nissan Skyline 350 GT - 2008 V36 Hi all - wondering if you own one of these what milage you get. I hear some people getting 6-700 a tank around town with a little motorway - i am getting about 500km to a tank mostly town driving!. |
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2007 Skyline. P or S or SP? How to tell? Any experts out there who can tell me what the difference is in the three spec levels? A Google search has proven somewhat confusing. thanks. |
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1996 GTS25T Skyline auto trans skipping I have a 1996 r33 gts25t skyline (automatic) and from time to time it feels like the trans skips gear and over revs, and wont click into gear so i have to pull over turn the car off and turn it on again and then the problem goes away. i have made sure the... |
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2005 3.5 v6 Skyline Mech' insurance? A friend of mine has a 3500 GT Skyline, Automatic which has done 42,000ks. He wants to know wether or not it's worth while for him to have mechanical insurance. It's $700 per year for his cover, he had it for the 1st year but made no claims. As far as I k... |
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Nissan skyline r32s - price? 1000065008 i see quite a few dealers selling these cars now, assume all are fresh imports in good condition etc. but really? 17K? surely no-one will pay this price. |
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Stolen. R32 skyline gts25 reg xg8488dark grey with roh blade wheels stolen tonight from grantham st hamilton any information wou R32 Skyline GTS25 reg XG8488.Dark Grey with ROH Blade wheels. Stolen tonight from Grantham St Hamilton.\ Any information would be much appreciated. |
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Nissan Skyline 300GT Any body own one!.being a v6 are they hungry on the gas! any known faults!. |
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Skyline 31 where could i find a diff or will something else fit the banjo |
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R34 Skyline Question Quick question (maybe a silly one), would the coupes' front and rear bumper fit a sedan! If the year matters, it's a 98 sedan. Thank you. |
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Accord Euro or Skyline 250GT? Thinking 2004-2008!Thoughts please! |
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Nissan skyline 250gt 2002 what can any one tell me about them! how are they on fuel! any faults! anything good or bad you can say let me know. Thanks |
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Chaser or skyline! im after a new car and i was really keen on a chaser but its like they dont exsist anymore! so iv decided ill get another skyline, i really want an r34 gtt but i think it will leave me super broke so im thinking of an r32 gtst, what would you pay for one!... |
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R32 skyline headlights not working?! Was driving along and low beams stopped working the park lights would work and i could flash my high beams on but not leave them clicked on via switch to run all the way home. Switch and wiring loom melted together, wiring loom and switch where removed, n... |
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I'm looking for a skyline R33 manual gearbox For my turbo skyline. Does anyone know where in can find one! |
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NISSAN SKYLINE OWNERS I'm trying to find wiring help with putting a panasonic CQ-RX420W into a 1994 nissan skyline r33 I know all the panasonic wiring code but have no idea about the skyline's wiring code. PLEASE HELP |
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Wasted spark setup on a r32 skyline Have brought a waste spark setup, wired it in etc and the car is now back firing excessively and lagging and sort of missing only when you drive the car its fine when its idling. Anyone have any info would be much appreciated, pretty sure ive wired it up ... |
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Nissan Skyline 250gt, 2004 and up Have wanted one for a long time, now have the money, was wandering what Skyline owners think of them, are they a worth while buy! |
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Stolen R32 GTST Skyline From Upper Hutt if anyone knows anything, Cheers, |
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STOLEN R33 Skyline 1996 NIssan Skyline R33 coupe Rego: BEH668 It white, It manual, lowered on 18 mags, got a exhaust and it running a RB30e, Has dent in left rear guard Stolen from Pakaranga mail today. Stolen between 10am and 7pm. Found missing atfer 7pm http://i789.photob... |
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