police tag
Topic | Replies | Last post |
Police radar bands NZ Hi What radar bands do they use here in NZ! K, Ka, POP, Laser! |
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What is the difference between Police steel wheels and normal steel wheels on a VZ Commodore ! |
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NZ Police Doing a good job I await the knockers.lol Bit of praise for commonsense that you always here the negatives from an I bet the twit involved would say negative things because of it. Today had some twit in a BMW overtake me and the car that was following me as I was about to... |
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So, are NZ Police. Going to man up and own this one just like they always own every single holiday where the road toll is lower!You can't pick and choose when you're in as deep as they are regarding the road toll! http://news.msn.co.nz/video.aspx!videoid=ce04743f-93... |
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Would you have called the police! I wasn't there at the time but on Monday some space head came into work looking baked and bought up our entire stock of Fuelite (only about 12 1 litre bottles). Pulled out a wallet with an inch thick wad of hundys to pay for it.One of the boys called ... |
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The Police and me. Folks I read on here about this hassle or that issue with the Police that people have had. In fairness I just have to relay to youy whats happened to me in the past few days. The first thing was I drove out of a local watering hole that is also a great st... |
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Stolen car website up by police. Excellent news- http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/motoring/6075617/Stolen-vehicles-police-website-launched Pity no dates though. Some could be years old perhaps. |
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Speak out before Police Stupidity costs more lives Having lost a family member through similar Police stupidity I can understand where this doctor is coming from. Its time Police were held accountable for their ACTUAL duty which is to protect people and save lives. Instead we are sold a revenue collection... |
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Is it legal to listen to police with a scanner! Borrowed one from a guy at work.Just curious about the legality of it. Thanks. |
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Check out this car chase! Mustang vs Police. http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=dJ7Fuu_eN7A&NR=1 |
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Police Light Bar Has anyone seen the Red and Blue light bars on here for sale! I've got a unit hooked up to my beer fridge that I'm going to sell(beer fridge too) but have never seen them on here except mounted on old so called police cars. These are the lights on... |
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Opinions? ex Police Commodore I had a thought, mostly just for the giggles value of it. I run a sealed autocross series in Wellington (set out course in cones, you vs stopwatch), and while my race car is off the road undergoing surgery, I had evil thoughts about an amusing car to hack... |
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Spelling police can go nuts here 357795006 almost makes you wonder if they actually want to sell their bikes. |
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Police car lights I have noticed several police cars around chch and ashburton this week with there red and blue lights covered does anyone know why . |
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Do Police drive Hondas! Is this motor a Honda! Thought Honda don't do fleet deals, being their point of difference. Thought they only drive Holdens, Fords, and the odd Nissan Maxima (as seen on telly). http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4624062/Bad-timing-as-police-cars-collide... |
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NZ Police Skoda Interesting to see their total cost of ownership analysis did not support electric or hybrid. I suppose because vehicles are multi-shift used, the short recharge times are not there yet on many full evs for police use. |
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So what are the new Mufti police cars then ? Wonder if they bought the Holden Acardia's before GM left ? |
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Police Car I recently watched a Your Tube blog made by the NZ Police, which was about the equipment that a policeman wears. a young policeman basically “stripped off” each bit of kit he was wearing and explained it. very interesting. Also the same policema |
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Florida police pursuit This ends like something from 'The Dukes of Hazzard' tv series. Alachua County Sheriff's Office (Gainesville, Florida) staff chasing a vehicle that refuses to stop. |
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Helpful police? Not really. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/65428810/obliging-officers-must-stop-breath-testing |
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Police allowed to speed without lights / siren? Are police allowed to speed without lights and / or siren? Was in a 70 km/h area. Needle was sitting at about 72 km/h. Mufti cop car passes me in other lane. I know not all odometers are accurate but if I was doing 70 they were doing 85 |
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Police Fine, need some advice One of our customers got pulled over for a Full COF check by the Police near Rotorua. They found nothing but a missing Certificate of Loading so they issued a fine of $200 to us. We bought the truck from Turners Auction Christchurch and they have had a CO... |
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Whangarei police There seems to be more police then cockroatches in this town. |
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Kudos to police stopping bike theives http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/67610894/motorbikes-stolen-in-ramraid-at-huntly.html As road safety officers they stink IMO but we do still have pretty good coppers. Well done. |
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Police Check Point Yip had to stop Friday night at 730pm for the check point, Im all legit But she told me i was speeding. She said she was trained I should have asked to see the calibration tattoo on the side of her neck for the last calibration certificate of her brain an... |
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Police have "no resources" to attend serious crime Yet they have the considerable time and resources to prosecute this guy. of course they do! http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/68677836/oneyear-driving-ban-after-drink-driving-kids-gokart-crash I know this post will be troll bait so I won't post in thi... |
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Police intimidation I want to recommend to anyone who is being bullied and intimidated by some cop to go to Alistair from Road Legal for help. My granddaughter was in that position, with a cop behaving VERY suspiciously. About the time he wanted her to meet him "after hours"... |
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Police,AOS to get eco friendly transport, Greens Greens say if they get a hint of power they will replace gas guzzling Police and AOS cars and vans etc. The new vehicles will be much better for the environment they say. Estimates put the savings to tax payers at around 7 million a year a Green spokesper... |
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Christchurch Police need help to ID car part http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/update-dallington-hit-and-run |
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How to trash a police car What a idiot that officer is The other driver is well known to them so why basically trash a police vehicle . |
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British Police Using Hyundai i30 Cars In Numbers Apparently liking them too for the type of work they are used for. They are also using a range of other Hyundai models as well. |
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Have to own a Commodore to be on "Police TV" ? Honestly, is it just the few times I ever catch (The Australian version especially) of Motorway Patrol / Police 10/7 etc. that 99% of the people of interest to the authorities are driving the above vehicle ? Did they actually sell so many more of th |
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Police are looking into it https://nz.news.yahoo.com/video/watch/28364247/massive-sinkhole-swallows-police-car/ |
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Teen leads police on slow speed chase http://m.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11467009 Okay, so it wasn't a digger but a wheel loader, but 90 minutes to end the chase? Really? |
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Police 10 7 tonight The guy blew under the limit but he still got his car keys confiscated. Would this be legal? |
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A police car sitting on the side of the road controls speed .more than any other method . |
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The Police in Toyotas or Skodas? http://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/71334156/what-are-four-toyotas-doing-among-the-police-holden-fleet |
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Police don't have to chase Commodore drivers in Aussie ,they come to them http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-04/canberra-man-crashes-car-into-police-station-in-failed-burnout/6751802 |
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Police got it wrong On Friday I was driving along Great South Road in Penrose, Auckland when a police woman walked out into the lane and points to the side of the road. I wasn't speeding so I figured it was just a random rego and warrant check. After looking suspiciously int... |
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Police at work We see the police hard at it on Waikato roads. pulling up idiots who seem to drive as if it is their day on earth. |
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Police car colours. I've been watching a lame NZ police show (about the best thing on TV ATM) seems all the new cars are orange. That and the combination of low profile top lights, seems to make them less visible than ever, what on earth is the rationale behind these changes... |
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NZ Police keep Holden on ;-) http://www.driven.co.nz/news/news/holden-retains-police-contract/ They have stopped making them ? or have they ? I think that is great news . |
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The police in europe this case is 90% true http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.20min.ch%2Fschweiz%2Fostschweiz%2Fstory%2F-Die-Polizisten-versetzten-mich-in-Todesangst--25568383&sandbox=1 |
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Police on private property inspecting a vehicle What is the relevance of that question to the situation brought up in the OP, were the cops snooping around looking thru the windows at night, thought not. |
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The coolest police car. In Monaco, unfortunately, no much open road there! "The KTM X-Bow you are looking at is double special. First of all, it is an ???R??? model, being touched by aftermarket developer MTM and secondly, it is used by the Monaco police force to chase cars... |
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Stopped by police @2am An elderly man was stopped by the police around 2 a.m and was asked where he was going at that time of night. The man replied, "I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and stayin... |
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Police bust drag meeting last nights Friday nite Dragwars competition at Fram Autolite Dragway Meremere was disrupted by the Police setting up multiple speed cameras on the Expressway near Fram Autolite Dragway, which is fair enough, but they also set up check points & the bo... |
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Police driving scares me Was driving down Auckland's northwestern motorway late yesterday afternoon, when a police car comes screaming up behind me. I was doing just under the 100kph limit in the second lane from the right, the correct lane to take the exit for the ports and ... |
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The Police PR message about our 2011 roadtoll how are they going to explain away the rise in deaths despite the increased enforcement. |
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It's the Wheel-police! get a load of this http://tinyurl.com/d7bpyse |
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This is an awesome police chase The Cop sure can drive. http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=5effroADbEY |
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Do you report a vehicle break-in to police? Or are they just not interested! It's the first time it's actually ever happened to us - late on a Sunday night, glass everywhere, and the insurance company isn't open now - of course! |
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Gps can they detect speed camera in police cars ? I notice my GPS goes beep beep and shows a picture of a black camera . wondering if this works for all speed cameras or just some ! |
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Police WOF records out of date On Campbell Live there was a guy who got a WOF and hours later was given an automated ticket with a $200 fine because the police computer had not been updated from LTNZ. And the police refuse to waive the fine. I looked up a suspicious car on Carjam and t... |
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Disappointing NZ Police (again!) O.K so I have to move an unlicensed un WOF'd vehicle today for the purposes of obtaining a W.O.F. Having been caught out with this before and been fined I thought I would ring the local Police and advise them of my intentions. The theory being that I ... |
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Wrong number plate on police fine I got pulled up today with no wof or reg and the police officer was very nice and said that if I updated the wof and reg within 14 days then I won't have to pay the fines. I noticed that she had missed one of the numbers from my plate, does that make ... |
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Police (red & blue) roof light bar Hi all, I have in my posession (legally) an (older) roof light bar from NZ police, with red & blue (& one spare blue lens). Am thinking age around '87 but unsure. I am thinking of listing it but want some ideas as to its value.plus ensuring it... |
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Police harassment. Sorry couldn39t figure out to do the link thing httpwwwpoliceassnorgnznewsroompublicationsfeatured articlesbe Sorry couldn't figure out to do the link thing. http://www.policeassn.org.nz/newsroom/publications/featured-articles/beginner%E2%80%99s-guide-police-harassment |
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POLICE HARASSMENT. Coppied from real estatea north island police station received this question from a resident through the feed Coppied from real estateA North Island police station received this question from a resident through the feedback section of a local Police website: ???I would like to know how it is possible for police officers to continually harass people and get away w... |
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Police harassment. Thats mint Thats mint. |
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Complaining about Police's illegal parking? I had an incident with the Police yesterday. While dealing with me they were illegally parked. Could I make a formal complaint against them! They should've have parked there but this is mainly me being spiteful ! |
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Local wreckers buy stolen vehicle,police no action What can I do! I found my stolen vehicle at a local wrecker. I asked them about it and was told "I remember the guy that brought it in, he wanted to deregister it so I drilled the chassis plate off for him" He looked through his records and does... |
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50km police chase, what a waste of police time. They shoulda taken it/him out in the first few KMs, man they piss around here in NZ. But the panelbeaters will be happy. |
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Car chase outrage as police order driver roadblock Didnt say in the article, but on the radio this morning they said he was doing 200K prior to this. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/car-chase-outrage-as-police-order-driver-roadblock-20120515-1yp4t.html |
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Question about TSS/Police So i am writing a paper about police etc, very specific and all that, and it leads to the question, what powers did TSS officers have before the amalgamation with police! Obviously the power to stop vehicles, but did they have powers to arrest and such, a... |
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Can a police man charge you with dangerous driving On my own property! |
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Ya see that sustained loss of traction by police Car on the news, tsk tsk. |
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Police not expecting increase in traffic accidents after the rule change". (www.stuff.co.nz) REALLY! I thought that would be inevitable! |
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Police cracking down on tt2000 http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/13010922/police-condemn-motorcycle-rally-organisers/ How many years has this and other similer types of rides been going! And now they are looking to crack down on speeding riders. Should'nt they be doing that ... |
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NZ Police Vs Chch BR Video http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=WHvhyCuT0dY&feature=player_embedded Strange this hasnt been on the mainstream media yet OK the bloke with the camera is off the mark & his spelling is shocking but - a friend of mine was on this cruise - NZ police re... |
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Police car,,, inmate inspired crest on door haha thought this was quite funny, well done but i cant work out why it took a year for no one not to see it.http://www.stuff.co.nz/oddstuff/6437398/Police-car-pig-painter-mystery-unsolved |
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What do u think of these brake pads? "Police Spec" Worth it or just a regular brake pad being marketed as something fancy! http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/holden/brakes/auction-445687987.htm |
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Big thumbs up to the Police today. Following this van along gordonton road today he was tail gating, Crossing centre line, swerving etc I thought this guy must be pissed.We get into the new roundabouts in Taupiri and this guy goes into the roundabout to go straight ahead. Instead of carryi... |
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